
Why? : English beyond


Piątek, 22 Listopada 2024


16:00 America/Sao Paulo

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English is more than a language: it is the lingua franca of international business and academia, the key to work and opportunities, a requirement to graduate and move forward in education. This is fantastic news and a very useful platform to get learners on board, but is that all there is to it? Are those the most powerful reasons why we choose to learn English? And how about learners who are not attracted by these arguments?

In this session we will explore a different set of motivations to engage with English, looking beyond what is useful into the ways learning a language connects to what we love, how we understand the world, and ultimately to who we are. Let’s celebrate everything else English has to offer and how this can help our students discover new levels of engagement with the language!

Pablo Toledo

Pablo Toledo is Senior Assessment Services Manager for Southern Cone and Andes in CUP&A. He is an English teacher and teacher trainer with a Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Educational Assessment from the University of Cambridge and a Diploma in Education Policy from Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Before joining Cambridge, he managed projects in the areas of remote teaching, internationalisation of higher education and language teaching to refugees for the British Council and led the Education department of the Buenos Aires Herald newspaper. He is the president of LAALTA (Latin American Association of Language Testing and Assessment).